
Smith & Sinclair

"We're on a mission to make ‘Adult More Fun’. We make unique alcohol and confectionery based products dedicated to making home entertaining and gifting a more joyful and fun experience. We offer new ways to consume and create your favorite beverage with our patent pending Alcoholic Cocktail Gummies, Alcoholic Dippers, Cocktail F.I.Z.Z., and Edible Fragrances.

The founders

"It all began when our founders, Mel and Emile, hosted a series of adult board-game dating nights for people that wanted to meet somebody IRL.

Rather than falling for each other, the duo noticed that the crowd were falling for the hand-crafted alcoholic confectionary they were selling instead. In fact, the number of people pestering the pair for packs of their Alcoholic Cocktail Gummies grew so strong, Mel and Emile decided to put board games on the back burner and head to Berwick Street Market to set up a stall and sell their delicious gummies to the public.

Things went so well, they soon decided to make things official and go into business – and Smith & Sinclair was born."

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